The recently opened Live Fire Cooking Theater at Columbus, OH’s Franklin Park Conservatory features all the elements necessary to enjoy the wonders of cooking over an open fire. The herringbone fireplace and masonry bake oven, both central elements of the space, are from Superior Clay. The theater also features a Big Green Egg and an open fire pit for the enjoyment of participants and passersby. Greenscapes Landscape Company designed the installation and provided much of the labor necessary for its construction. Buckley Rumford provided technical assistance in the construction of the bake oven and Rumford fireplace. Whitacre Greer firebrick were utilized in both the masonry bake oven and in the herringbone panels used to construct the fireplace. Whitacre Greer Boardwalk pavers 3x9x3-inches in shades 50 Ivory, 52 Majestic, 53 Cimmerian and 54 Chocolate are featured. Thanks to all for allowing us to participate.