In recent months Whitacre Greer recognized the efforts of all employees” commitment to safety following more than two years without a lost time accident. October 2009 marked two years without a lost time accident. In commemoration of the achievement employees received their choice of either a jacket or pull over fleece featuring the Whitacre Greer logo and the designation “Safety Award.” According to Whitacre Greer Environmental, Health and Safety Manager, John Miller, providing tangible reinforcement for safe behavior promotes a safe work environment and furthers the cultural-based safety program in place at Whitacre Greer. Employees also have the opportunity to earn Whitacre Greer ball caps when they are “caught being safe” by supervisors and managers.
Showing upper management”s and owners” support for a safe work environment, Whitacre Greer President and CEO Janet Kaboth issued the following statement.
Safety is NO Accident. It is Everybody”s Responsibility.
Whitacre Greer is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors and visitors. It is our right and responsibility to expect that at the end of the day we will be returning home without having suffered pokie games a work-related injury or illness. In order to achieve this each employee, contractor or visitor is expected to obey sefety rules and exercise caution in all work activities. Employees must immediately report any unsafe condition to the appropriate supervisor or other member of management.
We believe that safety can only be achieved through teamwork. Effective safety requires the active participation of everyone. Although it is the reponsibility of supervision, staff and management to ensure a workplace free of hazards, ultimately it is up to each of us to see that safe practices are maintained.
Only by working together can we ensure that each of us will go home without suffering a work-related injury or illness. If you have any questions or concerns regarding safety or safe working conditions do not hesitate to contact John Miller.
Download a copy of Whitacre Greer”s Commitment to Safety here.