
Representative Bill Johnson Visits Whitacre Greer

The Whitacre Greer Company welcomed Congressman Bill Johnson to its facility on May 2, 2013. Janet Kaboth, John Miller, Chris Kaboth and Colby DeHoff briefed the Congressman on their concerns about the Brick MACT and other issues and gave him a tour of their plant. Johnson is eager to help our industry push the EPA …

Alliance Brick Industry

This article was written for and first appeared in a local newspaper.  The name of the paper and publication date are unknown. by Gary Miller They stand like sentinels at attention, three decrepit and timeworn red brick buildings, in a row, looking down on what once was.  Their windows broken and boarded-up, they give little …

Air Quality Districts in Utah and Oregon Require EPA Qualified Fireplaces for New Construction

Air quality districts in Utah and Oregon have adopted the use of EPA Qualified fireplaces as one strategy to attain National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM2.5.  EPA Qualified fireplaces are qualified through the voluntary wood-burning fireplace program, an initiative of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.  The program encourages the development and sale of lower-emitting …

Whitacre Greer Creates New Position, Hires Director of Quality Sly Kodrin

As the new Director of Quality, I am excited to join the Whitacre Greer Team. The opportunity to be a part of a historical and dedicated team was one of my top priorities in looking for my next success opportunity. Sustained improvements, training, and process documentation are high on my list of tasks that need …

Bituminous Set Pavers Perform Well in University of Waterloo Study

The University of Waterloo Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT) recently released a 150?page report evaluating the performance of interlocking concrete pavement (ICP) in crosswalks. Headed by Professor Susan Tighe, Ph.D., P. Eng., the CPATT research quantifies the structural performance of four typical crosswalk designs and recommends the maximum expected design life for each …

Gilmore & Associates Test Whitacre Greer Permeable Paver Installation

This letter summarizes the results of the surface infiltration testing conducted on Whitacre Greer’s permeable Boardwalk brick paver system at the above referenced site. To facilitate the study, Gilmore & Associates, Inc. (G&A) performed single-ring infiltration tests at three locations in Hawthorne Park on July 30, 2012. The Whitacre Greer permeable Boardwalk brick paver installation …

Whitacre Greer Plans Expansion

Land replats for two area businesses approved by Alliance Planning board By Ruth Lang, The Alliance Review   The Alliance Planning Commission approved land replats for two area businesses during its regular meeting on Wednesday. Concerning property along South Mahoning Avenue, Surveyor Bob Akins testified that brick-making business Whitacre-Greer wishes to purchase a parcel of …

Whitacre Greer’s Pauline Whitacre Featured in Golf Digest Article

The following article appeared in Professional clubfitter Jim McCleery thought he’d seen every type of golfer in his shop (McGolf Custom Clubs in Waverly, Ohio). Then one day in June, 85-year-old Pauline Whitacre walked through his door. “That woman, what a treat it was to get to spend time with her,” McCleery says. “I …

Whitacre Greer’s Waynesburg, OH Plant Circa 1900

The Whitacre Greer plant as it looked in 1905.  Organized in 1902, it set on top of a big basin which at one time connected to the Sandy-Beaver Canal.  The Canal ran thru Malvern soon after 1834, and can clearly be seen on Route 183 to Waynesburg. Just above the old R.T. Hawke farm it …

Construction Continues on Whitacre Greer’s New Grinding Facility

Construction Continues on Whitacre Greer’s New Grinding Facility In September, Whitacre Greer began a $3 million dollar improvement project that will replace the 100 year-old manufacturing company’s raw material processing facility. The project is scheduled for completion March 1 to coincide with the start of production for the the 2012 season. The facility replaces equipment …